Additional Workbook Tabs

Agent Skills

This is a listing of all of the agents and the multiple skills assigned to each. The skill levels are also displayed for each skill number.

Skill Counts

This is a summarization of the number of agents assigned to each skill from the previous Agent Skills tab.

Modular Messaging

This is a listing of all of the system mail boxes, user names, and VDN names and vectors for zero outs.

Holiday Table

The holiday table list displays all of the holiday tables defined in the system. It displays the dates, times, and holiday definition.

Unused VDN's

This tab lists the VDN's, vector number, and names of the unused VDN's in the switch.

Unused Skills

This is a listing of hunt groups or skills that are not referenced in the switch.

Unused Announcements

This is a listing of the announcement numbers and names that are not referenced by any vectors in the switch.

Unused Mailboxes

This is a listing of the mailboxes and associated names that are not referenced in the switch.